Angel Commercial represents landlords with the goal of creating the maximum value for the property owner.
Through strategic planning, comparative market research and analysis, economic modeling, and due diligence, we assist landlords in achieving maximum success in the marketplace. We work closely with landlords to develop individually tailored strategies and plans for taking projects from the beginning stages through final contract negotiations.
Our team of experts provides results-oriented marketing strategies and services to maximize the exposure of our client's properties.
We utilize the latest technologies to effectively market each commercial real estate property.
Commercial Real Estate websites

Our exclusive property listings are posted on this website and on other online commercial real estate websites including, but not limited to, LoopNet, CoStar, Showcase, CityFeet, CREXI, USListings, and CIMLS.
Custom Landing Page

An exclusive property landing page is created on this website to showcase the property listing. This includes a description, details, photo gallery slider with thumbnails, a live Google view, a road map, and a satellite image.
Marketing Materials

A professionally designed Fact Sheet and Offering Brochure are made available for download. The full-color Offering Brochures include property details, description, floor plans, demographics, and a photo gallery.

If permitted, prominent signage is placed onsite to get your property noticed. We often use v-formation signs to allow visibility from both directions. Banner signage is also available if required.
Email Marketing

To further extend our reach, we utilize targeted email marketing through CoStar's CDX service and Angel Commercial's proprietary database of commercial real estate brokers, buyers, and tenants.
MMS Marketing

To take advantage of the latest technologies for mobile advertising, the property listing is announced via MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) to Angel Commercial's website visitors who signed up to receive text alerts.
Social Media Marketing

To engage with existing clients and reach new ones, social media marketing is used to promote the property listing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We include relevant hashtags to boost social media reach and engagement.
Content Marketing

Articles are published on LinkedIn to capture the attention of office, retail, industrial, and investment professionals, and developers, and on to inform the local area about the property's availability.
Search Engine Marketing

To maximize the property listing's exposure on internet search results, we add it to our Google Business Listing Profile and Google Maps to allow others who are exploring the area virtually to discover the property listing.
Commercial Real Estate News
Read about property transactions below in which Angel Commercial, LLC, provided Landlord Representation Services.
October 23, 2020
Two Tenants Renew Leases in Stratford Commercial Building
October 2, 2020
Kupchick Heating & Cooling Inc. Leases Spaces in Black Rock
September 25, 2020
Two Tenants Lease Space in Commercial Building in Fairfield, CT
September 3, 2020
USA Sports Marketing Leases Spaces in Milford, CT
August 28, 2020
Fairfield Service Station Welcomes New Tenant
March 10, 2020
Southport Office Building Welcomes Four Tenants