The quick-links below are provided as informational references related to commercial real estate in the towns and cities where Angel Commercial's exclusive property listings are located.
You will find links to the CERC Town Profiles which provide demographic information, Vision Appraisal which provides property details, zoning regulations, zoning maps, GIS maps & the town/city's website.
Connecticut Business Resources
US SBA (United States Small Business Administration)
The SBA provides loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses.
SBA Local Resources, CT
SBA Loan Application Process
SBA Policy & Regulations
LEED Certification (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)
LEED provides businesses with certification that their building or community was designed and built using strategies to contribute to environmental performance.
CLIC (Connecticut Licensing Information Center)
Find licensing and registration information needed to start, expand or relocate your business and find information about trade and/or occupational and recreational and/or personal licensing.
AdvanceCT Assistance & Information (Formerly the Connecticut Economic Resource Center)
AdvanceCT Assistance & Information is Connecticut's comprehensive database of business programs and services.